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‘Nightingale’ sings for Bach ‘Family Concert’

The Bach Choir of Bethlehem and Bach Festival Orchestra, directed by Greg Funfgeld, and Mock Turtle Marionette Theater, directed by Doug Roysdon, present the world premiere of an adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale “The Nightingale” for puppets as the annual choir’s annual “Family Concert,” 3 p.m., Baker Hall, Zoellner Arts Center, Lehigh University.

“The Nightingale” is The Bach Choir’s first collaboration with Mock Turtle Marionette Theater.

Mock Turtle founder and director Roysdon adapted Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale in 1985 for marionettes. For the world premiere of his new adaptation, Roysdon is working with much larger puppets, each about four-foot-tall with arms, hands, legs, feet and mouths articulated by the actors.

Joining Roysdon as actors and puppeteers are “Nightingale” assistant director Anna Russell, Willow Reichard-Flynn, Jamil Joseph, Grace Spruiell Hochella, Sabrina De Weerdt and Sonya Hennet.

Hans Christian Anderson’s original tale is set in Japan but this version set in 17th century Germany is a perfect vehicle for J.S. Bach’s transcendent choral and instrumental music to contribute to the central theme of the story.

Virtuoso recorder player Tricia Van Oers, a favorite of Bach Choir audiences, represents the voice of the nightingale. The music includes “Le Rossignol en Amour” by Francois Couperin, “Engels Nachtigaltje” by Jacob van Eyck and the recorder duet accompanying Bach’s “Sheep may safely graze.”

Other choral and instrumental music interwoven with the story include choruses from Bach Cantatas, movements from the “Art of Fugue,” the “Lacrimosa” from Mozart’s “Requiem” and William Bolcom’s “Graceful Ghost Rag” played by Funfgeld, keyboard, and Elizabeth Field, violin.

The “Family Concert’ program book includes fun activities relating to the concert. Afterwards, in the Baker lobby, audience members can meet the puppets, puppeteers, conductor and members of the orchestra in the lobby.

Tickets: Bach.org; 610-866-4382, ext. 115 or 110

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOFrom left: Joe Ferraro, Sabrina DeWeerdt, Doug Roysdon, Sonya Hennet, Anna Russell, Willow Reichard-Flynn, Jamil Joseph and Grace Spruiell Hochella, Mock Turtle Marionette Theater, with The Bach Choir of Bethlehem and Bach Festival Orchestra, “The Nightingale,” 3 p.m., Baker Hall, Zoellner Arts Center, Lehigh University.