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David Wiley gives fishing presentation at Hope Church Sportsmen’s banquet

Time flies. It’s hard to believe 10 years have passed since the first Sportsmen’s Banquet at Hope Community Church, Weisenberg Township.

Steve Schoeniger, former event coordinator, said records before 2010 were unavailable to fully check the progress of the event.

However, he stated that in 2010 the banquet drew 110 people, while this year’s event brought 160 people to the feast.

The food was once again top notch with an assorted menu of wild game.

Wild boar roast and smoked ham were on the menu along with several venison dishes, bear chili, roast turkey, rabbit potpie, salmon and several vegetables and sides.

After the dinner, David Wiley gave a presentation titled “Saltwater Fishing: The Right Bait for the Right Fish.”

While relating tales of his fishing, slides were shown of the fish that he caught over the years.

Passages from the Bible were interspersed with his stories about his adventures.

Wiley noted the three things a fisherman must have are the right bait, the right equipment and patience.

PRESS PHOTOS BY KENNETH BLEILERChurch member Lamar Madtes was the emcee for the evening at the Sportsmen's Banquet at Hope Community Church, Weisenberg Township. Copyright - COPYRIGHT, 2011