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The Feb. 14 meeting of the Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission centered around development of the 3262 Schoeneck Road property.

The warehouse size on the property was reduced from 210 square feet to 200 square feet. Representatives of the property also agreed to reduce the steepness of the slope on the property and add a retaining wall along the back of the property.

The planning commission discussed adding right-of-way maneuvering in the southern driveway and questioned where the trucks would be parked when not being used. They also looked into adding a handrail along the retaining wall and connecting the two driveways with an emergency access road.

There were four waivers for the Schoeneck Road property. The first waiver had to do with combining the preliminary and final plans. The second waiver involved a smaller width for the driveways. The third and fourth waivers had to do with stormwater management and expanding radii points on Shoeneck Road. The planning commission also wanted signs so trucks do not make a right turn on Shoeneck Road.

Planning commission member George Doughtry argued there was not a reason to approve the conditional use. He explained the plan does not meet all of the general conditions because it is not in the best interest of the township.

Resident Steve Hensley explained the plan was clearly not in the best interest of the township. Mary Hensely also talked about what the community was looking for.

“At what point are we going to make a stand?” Mary Hensley said. “At the end of the day people in the community are waiting, frustrated, begging for it,” Hensley continued.

As a small town business owner, Steve Hensley explained he appreciates development, but said it needs to be smart.

Doughtry motioned to send the conditional use before the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners but it was voted down 4-2. The planning commission decided to table the discussion until the next meeting.

Another project discussed was a CVS planned at the intersection of Willow Lane and Route 100. There are concerns as to how CVS will be connected to other properties nearby. CVS will also extend the sidewalk along both Willow Lane and Route 100.

The planning commission also discussed adding a walking path between CVS and the nearby medical building. This would allow people who are treated at the medical building to walk over to the CVS and pick up prescriptions.

The planning commission and CVS discussed the placement of trees before moving on to stormwater and soil discussions. The CVS representatives believed the soil conditions made class 5 injection the best way to store stormwater. Water would go into the well after being treated and replenish the aquifer.

The planning commission questioned how the water would be treated and CVS representatives explained water quality standards would meet county and state guidelines as well as meeting EPA guidelines. The planning commission explained the Environmental Advisory Council is opposed to water injection in the township and they would not want to set a precedent for future developers.

There were doubts over where the driveway should be added on the property. The plan would not be to add a driveway, but to replace the current driveway.

Resident Mary Hensley talked about traffic concerns saying if there is not a right hand turn lane near the driveway there is going to be an issue. She suggested CVS move into the old Rite Aid building on Route 100. The planning commission decided to table the discussion until the next meeting.

The planning commission also discussed the land development plan at 5354 Hamilton Blvd. The property would be used for medical offices. The office would be 1,200 square feet and have 31 parking spaces. The planning commission suggested extending the sidewalk along the front edge of the property until the driveway of the nearby Meadowyck Condominium.

Next the planning commission looked into waivers for the medical offices. A few of the waivers regarding land size and pipe size are no longer necessary because of new ordinances.

Stormwater around the medical offices was another topic the planning commission discussed. It is a difficult area for stormwater and drainage and water from the property goes all the way to the west side of the Baird Medical property. In the future there will be a plan so stormwater from multiple properties could be collected together.

The next meeting of the Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission will be March 14. Meetings are held 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Lower Macungie Township Municipal Campus. The planning commission holds a workshop on the third Tuesday of each month when needed.