It’s Read Across America Day so be sure to show your love of reading March 2 as we celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. The Emmaus Public Library, 11 E. Main St., will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday 7 p.m. March 2 with story time and crafts.
The Knights of Columbus Council will host an evening of 50-50 cash prize bingo March 8 at the St. Ann School cafeteria, Sixth and Fairview streets. Doors open 7 p.m. and the first game begins 7:30 p.m. The donation includes free food, home-made desserts and hot and cold beverages. Proceeds help fund the good works of the council. Mark your calendar for upcoming bingo nights – April 5 and May 3. For information, visit www.koc12886.org.
The Emmaus Lions Club will hold its “Nite at the Races” and “Basket Raffle” March 11. The donation fee gains entry to a night of fun, food, drinks and door prizes. You are invited to test your luck as you try to predict the winner of actual past horse races. The doors open 5 p.m. with the first race 6:30 p.m. Please note: The site for the event, Alburtis Area Community Center, is a new location this year. For tickets, visit Buss Paints or Alburtis Area Community Center. For information, contact Lion Henry Heil at 610-966-5220 or any member of the Emmaus Lions Club. The snow date is March 12 (doors open 1 p.m. and races begin 2 p.m.).
The Moravian Church, 146 Main St., will hold a Nutty Buddie Sale for peanuts and cashews March 15. To order, call 610-965-6067 or email secretary@emmausmoravian.org. Pick up 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. March 15 or in the office after March 15. The spring rummage sale will be held 8 a.m. to noon March 25. Reminder: Pick up for Moravian sugar cakes is 9 to 11 a.m. Feb. 25.
The Friends of the Emmaus Public Library are looking for volunteers to help set up and manage the group’s 10th annual used book sale which will be held April 28 and 29 at Lower Macungie Middle School. Volunteers are needed to load the truck at the Emmaus Public Library, help set up at the school, help during the sale, pack up and unload. If you can help, email birdscec@gmail.com with “I Can Help” in the subject line.
The Emmaus Senior Citizens group meets 1 p.m. every Friday at St. Matthew’s E. C. Church, Fifth and Ridge streets. All area senior citizens are welcome to attend. The March programs are March 3: musician Ken Purcell; March 10: musician Steve Myers: March 17: Ron Nelson, speaker: March 24: musician Keith Printzenhoff and March 31 is game day.
Emmaus Borough Council will meet 7 p.m. March 6 and 20 in council chambers, 28 S. Fourth St.
The compost center on Klines Lane will open March 8. Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. The E-waste site will also open in March. The E-Waste site next to the Public Works garage on Klines Lane is open the second Monday of the month noon to 6 p.m. For a list of recyclable items and other information, visit www.borough.emmaus.pa. us.
Free Zumba is offered 9 a.m. Saturdays at Faith Presbyterian Church, North Second and Cherokee streets.
The Emmaus Farmers Winter Market is open the second and fourth Sunday of the month through April. March dates are 10 a.m. to noon March 12 and 26. The market has started to book its community table and music calendars for the spring. For information, visit www.emmausmarket .com.
The program for the Emmaus Historical Society’s March 16 meeting is “Schwar Genealogy Library.” Member Lynette Fink will describe the history of the Schwar Genealogy Library, which is now housed in the Society’s building. She’ll explain the types of materials the library contains and demonstrate how the library’s resources can be used to find out about ancestors. The meeting is held 7 p.m. in St. John’s Lutheran Church parish hall, Fifth and Chestnut streets.
The society is holding an apple dumpling sale. The owners of the old Meyers Restaurant in Quakertown will be making the dumplings. Orders are being taken through April 28. Pickup will be at the museum noon to 4 p.m. May 6 and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 7. To order, contact a board member at the society’s meetings or leave a message with name, phone number and quantity ordered at 610-966-6591.
The society’s museum, 218 Main St., is open noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays or by appointment. For information email emmaushist@ptd.net, visit www.emmaushistoric-pa.org or call 610-966-6591.
The preschool, afterschool and toddler story times continue in March at the Emmaus Public Library, 11. E. Main St. Also continuing are the Book Explorers, Book Adventurers, Literary Lunch Jr. and Literary Lunch. For information and schedule, visit www.emmauspl.org or 610-965-9284.
The family film matinee will be shown 2 p.m. March 4. There will be a showing 7 p.m. March 16 of “Anime!” for sixth graders and up.
There will be a Homeschool Share Fair 11 a.m. March 6. Books and Barks will be held 6:45 p.m. March 23.
“Buckets Full of Nature” is a new program presented by the Lehigh County Conservation District introducing nature, science and exploration. The class for preschoolers is 10:30 a.m. March 21 and for school age children 4:30 p.m. March 22.
Stephanie Gardner will present a film discussion on “Pan’s Labyrinth,” (2006) directed by Guillermo del Toro 6:30 p.m. March 1.
Join owner and operator Gary Ward of Ward’s Oriental Rug Service and Gallery at the library to learn about the history and art of the Oriental rug 7 p.m. March 6. RSVP: epicollection@cliu.org.
The adult day time book group meets 2 p.m. March 7 and the evening group meets 7 p.m. March 14. Both book groups require pre-registration.
The library will host a “Celebrate Pi Day” movie 2 p.m. March 14.
The library staff invites you to drop in and play bingo for books 6:30 p.m. March 13. Play author names bingo for a chance to win books.
The library will host an open mic night 7 p.m. March 27. Come on in and share your talent. Sign in upon arrival for a 10-minute spot. Audience members are welcome.
There will be a memoir writing group meeting 1 p.m. March 28 during which time you can reminisce and write about your life.
The mobile office of Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-18th, will be at the library 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 27. Representatives are available to help with various concerns. For information, visit www.senatorboscola.com.
The Emmaus Woman’s Club will honor the eight girls who have been chosen by the club as “Girls of the Month” during the past year at a special meeting March 27. This is the first time the club has had all honorees attend at one time. The honorees chosen by the various Emmaus High School departments are Caroline Fletcher, Cathryn Seibert, Rachel Jibilian, Jupnoor Grewal, Larren Hodgen, Julia Bezems, Reilly McGinnis and Kelly Yang. The meeting will be held 7 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 501 Chestnut St.
It’s time to think about taxes. Certified AARP TaxAide volunteers will be available to provide free tax form assistance to middle and low-income taxpayers. The volunteers are available at Emmaus Moravian Church, Main and Keystone streets, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays through April. For information, call 888-227-7669.
Mark your calendar: The Emmaus Woman’s Club will host its spring card party, open to bridge and pinochle players, 11:30 a.m. April 20 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. The card party includes a light lunch and homemade desserts. For club information, call 610-434-7836.
Dates to remember: Mardi Gras is Feb. 28; daylight saving time begins March 12; St. Patrick’s Day March 17; first day of spring March 20. Emmaus is hosting its first ever restaurant week March 5 to 11.
The deadline for including items in the April column is March 15. Please send to 813 Little Lehigh Dr. durdock@aol.com or call 610-967-2661. Happy Birthday to my husband Bob.