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District news: Student Council to hold fundraiser

Whitehall High School’s Student Council will be holding a Keystone Pub night 5-9 p.m. tonight, Feb. 16. A basket raffle will be held.


As a reminder, McZephyr Night is scheduled for 5-8 p.m. tonight, Feb. 16, at the McDonald’s located at 2137 MacArthur Road. This a great event and fundraiser for the school.

Come out to see your teachers and staff serving up your food!


Schools will be closed Feb. 17 and 20 for the Presidents Day holiday.


The school district’s music department will present Bands in the Round 7-9 p.m. Feb. 21 in the high school auditorium. Students throughout the district will perform together.


Gockley’s Penn State Penny Challenge is underway. During the month of February, each classroom will be collecting spare change for pediatric cancer research. The donations will be given to the Penn State Thon team at Whitehall High School.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three kindergarten and top three first-grade classes. The last day of the collection will be Feb. 28. Students may place their pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters in the collection box located in each homeroom.

Thank you for your support!


The high school’s Student Council will hold its annual Mini Thon 2-8 p.m. March 3 in the high school gymnasium. Students will dance for six hours to support childhood cancer research through Four Diamonds Fund.

If you would like to sponsor and donate, go to whitehallcoplay.org or send any donations to the high school, c/o of Student Council, 3800 Mechanicsville Road, Whitehall, 18052.


Gockley parents and friends can catch the latest news via Twitter, Facebook and their monthly newsletters on the school district website. Parents can keep in touch with Principal Denise Saylor’s tweets for important events and activities.

Go to Twitter.com to set up your account. Look for “Gockley Elementary” tweets!


Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTSAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.