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134th District

State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-124th, is re-appointed as deputy majority whip and deputy chair of the majority policy committee.

He will also serve as a member of four standing committees: commerce, environmental resources and energy, insurance and labor and industry.

As a deputy majority whip for the House Republican Caucus, Mackenzie will have a variety of responsibilities on and off the floor, including facilitating awareness of member positions on pending bills and helping to advocate on key legislative issues. Deputy whips also receive special briefings on legislative issues.

The House Majority Policy Committee travels across the state, conducting hearings and roundtable discussions about important issues to gather testimony and information from key stakeholders. Mackenzie will attend these hearings and work with his colleagues in the House Republican Caucus to develop policies to address issues.

The Commerce Committee is responsible for originating legislation and overseeing implementation of programs which affect Pennsylvania companies.

The committee has primary jurisdiction over corporate governance through the business corporation law, as well as regulation of offers of sale and credit through such statutes as the Goods and Services Installment Sales Act, the Unfair Sales Act, and the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act.

The Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is responsible for legislative oversight of over 45 different environmental and energy-related laws, those administered by the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

The House Insurance Committee helps oversee the insurance department and ensure any legislation running through the House pertaining to insurance matters is studied with extreme care. During the upcoming session, the committee will examine legislation that will ensure insurance regulations are fairly enforced while being mindful of the consumer. The committee will also look closely at any changes made by the federal government with respect to health insurance and the impact of those potential changes on the state.

Mackenzie also was appointed to the aggregate advisory board under the Department of Environmental Protection.

This board was created to assist the secretary of the DEP in making decisions regarding surface mining and the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act. This includes, but is not limited to, experimental practices, alternate methods of backfilling, obligations for pre-existing pollution liability, alteration of reclamation plans, reclamation fees and bonding rates and methods.

Mackenzie continues to serve on the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board.