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Article By: The Press


Osborne announces candidacy for Lehigh County Executive

Lehigh County Commissioner Brad Osborne recently announced his candidacy to become the county’s next executive in a recent appearance at the Cetronia Fire Company’s social hall.

“People want their government to work for them,” Osborne said in a media release to The Press. “I will bring a disciplined and transparent government with a ‘let’s get it done’ attitude to Lehigh County.”

Marty Nothstein, chairman of the board of commissioners, introduced Osborne:

“I’ve experienced first-hand how fantastic a job Brad has done in leading our board as chairman. His professionalism and leadership has led us through some difficult topics with great results. I’ve seen Brad work tirelessly to get consensus and arrive at a solution and our board and the community are all better for it.”

Osborne then took to the stage, casting a vision for the future and calling for an end to petty political games:

“What I’ve witnessed in my 5 years in county government is there is too heavy a dose of politics and too little planning and execution. Instead of asking for more money, we should look for ways to innovate our way to excellence in service, and reduce the tax burden on our working families.”

Looking to the future, Osborne laid out four initiatives he would pursue as Lehigh County Executive:

1. Restoring transparency and accountability to the county government.

2. Develop a four-year financial strategic plan for the county.

3. Support the work of the county officials as they service the people of Lehigh County.

4. Support the business community and attract new businesses to the county.

Throughout this speech, Osborne emphasized collaboration and called for an end to complacency.

“It’s time to shake things up. It’s time to get out of our comfort zones. Results count, excuses don’t.”

Brad Osborne has served as Lehigh County Commissioner since 2012, having chaired the board for three years. Previously, he served on the South Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners from 2005 to 2012, including serving as president of the board for three years.

Osborne worked as the plant manager for GEO Specialty Chemicals in South Whitehall Township and previously owned Petroleum Distribution Service, a nationally-recognized firm that offered air pollution control compliance services for Fortune 50 oil companies.

In addition to public service, Osborne is invested in the community, serving on the boards of the Lehigh Valley Zoological Society, the Lehigh County General Purpose Authority, the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation, and the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

He has also previously served on the boards of the Allentown Rescue Mission, Mayfair Inc., the Boy Scouts Minsi Trails Council, and the Da Vinci Science Center. He takes special interest in his role on the advisory board for Autism Resource Community Hub of Lehigh Valley, a center that provides comprehensive services to individuals and families touched by autism spectrum disorder.

Osborne and his wife Janice have been married 30 years and live in South Whitehall Township.