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Four corporals rise in the ranks of Salisbury Police Department

It was a night for township family pride when four Salisbury Township Police Department officers were promoted to the rank of corporal.

District Judge Michael J. Pochron, District Court 31-01-08, which serves Salisbury Township and Fountain Hill Borough, administered the oaths of office to Cpl. Charles Whitehead, Cpl. Bryan Losagio, Cpl. Christopher Casey and Cpl. Budd Frankenfield.

Before the swearing in of the police officers at the Jan. 26 township meeting, Salisbury Township Police Chief Allen W. Stiles explained to the approximate 50 family members, friends and fellow officers who packed the standing-room-only meeting room in the township municipal building the promotions are “so that we could provide more leadership and more supervision” and to “make the department better than it has been in the past.”

Township commissioners voted unanimously 5-0 in separate votes at the Jan. 12 township meeting to approve the appointments of each of the four corporals. Commissioner Debra Brinton made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Vice President Robert Martucci, Jr. The promotions were effective Jan. 15.

In other business at the Jan. 26 township meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve resolutions to appoint:

Todd J. Bushta, certified public accountant, of the firm, Bushta & Co., Bethlehem, to be retained as auditor of township accounts for 2016 at a compensation not to exceed $12,000. Commissioner Joanne Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Martucci.

Randy Soriano, township manager; Cathy Bonaskiewich, chief administrative officer for the police pension plan; Ronald Patten, police sergeant; Donald Sabo, police sergeant and Debra Brinton, township commissioner, to serve on the Salisbury Township Police Pension Committee. Martucci made the motion, seconded by Ackerman.

At the Jan. 12 township meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve a resolution to renew the appointment of primary and alternate sewage enforcement officers for 2017. Scott Bieber, Lehigh Soils and Wetlands, continues as the primary officer and individuals from Keystone Consulting Engineers and Hanover Engineering are again alternates. Martucci made the motion, seconded by Brinton.

At the Jan. 26 township meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve a motion for appointments to township boards and commissions. Commissioner James Seagreaves made the motion, seconded by Commissioner President James A. Brown. Approved were:

Kreg Ulery, environmental advisory council, three-year term, from the Second Ward, and Myron Haydt, building code board of appeals, five-year term, from the Second Ward.

At the Jan. 12 township meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve motions for appointments to township boards and commissions:

Richard Schreiter, planning commission, four-year term, from the Fifth Ward. Ackerman nominated Schreiter and Martucci seconded the nomination.

Edward Hare, zoning hearing board, five-year term, from the Second Ward. Seagreaves nominated Hare and Brinton seconded the nomination.

Dan Moyer, vacancy board, one-year term. Brown nominated Moyer and Brinton seconded the nomination.

Jane Benning, environmental advisory council, three-year term, from the Second Ward. Brinton nominated Benning and Brown seconded the nomination.

Frank McCullough, recreation advisory committee, five-year term, from the Fifth Ward. Ackerman nominated McCullough and Seagreaves seconded the nomination.

At the Jan. 12 meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve the Feb. 5 “Super Bowl Race” in the township held by the Lehigh Valley Road Runners. Brinton made the motion, seconded by Martucci.

Also, Jan. 12, commissioners voted 5-0, on a motion by Brown seconded by Martucci, to appoint Cathy Bonaskiewich as acting township manager, effective Dec. 12, 2016.

PRESS PHOTO BY PAUL WILLISTEINCpl. Budd Frankenfield is sworn in by District Judge Michael J. Pochron, as Salisbury Police Chief Allen W. Stiles and other officers look on at the Jan. 26 Police Corporal Promotions Ceremony in the township municipal building.