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FEMA funds will offset bridge repair

Lowhill supervisors have received a check in the amount of $15,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for reimbursement of costs incurred during January 2016’s major winter storm.

The money is slated to help offset the cost of the upcoming Bear Bridge repair.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky told supervisors during their Jan. 5 meeting the road crew did seven days of winter maintenance in December 2016 and they are ready for winter when it arrives.

Board Chairman Rick Hughes then read a letter from the homeowners’ association at the Manor.

The thank you was for the road crew for repairs to a damaged street sign in the neighborhood.

In other matters, a motion was made to advertise a Tax Certification Ordinance to allow for an increase in the cost of certifications and duplications to $20 and $5, respectively.

Supervisors reported bids for the old snow plow came in too low, at under $100.

The bids were rejected and the plow will be kept as a spare.

Supervisors approved a request from a resident of Apollo Court asking for a private road sign.

The board agreed if the owner purchases the sign the township will properly install it.

The next supervisors’ meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Feb. 2.