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Alburtis Borough Council passed its 2017 budget, totaling around $1.6 million in revenue and expenditures at its meeting Dec. 28, 2016. An ordinance was approved, increasing the sanitary sewer rentals and fees by 9 percent and holding the property tax rate at 3.83 mills.

According to the approved ordinance, the flat rate for a dwelling unit will increase by $10 per quarter totaling around $120. A dwelling unit will pay around $480 per year and commercial establishments $538 for the fiscal year.

Council approved salary increases and hourly rates of 3 percent for some borough employees: borough manager at $61,800, $17.29 per hour for treasurer, $32.03 per hour for the chief of police. The borough solicitor will receive $165 and other borough employees received increases, according to Kathleen Raines, borough council vice president.

Council held the Alburtis Police pension plan contributions at 4 percent.

“Every year we’ve been reducing [contributions] from five to four... as a practical matter we’ve been operating on a 4 percent number for at least 17 years,” David Knerr, borough solicitor, said.

PRESS PHOTO BY ANDREW KUTZERAlburtis Borough Council Solicitor David Knerr, Alburtis Borough Council President Ronald DeIaco and Tracy Malinowski, borough treasurer attend the Alburtis Borough Council meeting Dec. 28, 2016. Council passed the 2017 budget at the meeting.