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Lowhill OKs budget

Lowhill Township supervisors approved the 2017 budget at its Dec. 1 meeting.

The millage rate will remain unchanged at 0.6425 mills accounting for approximately $590,000 of the township’s $899,857 in total revenue.

With total expenditures for the 2017 set at $899,015 and current assets of $1,892,620, the total budget was calculated at $1,893,456.

The board also renewed its contract with the Sanctuary at Haafsville for the handling of stray cats and dogs in the township.

In other matters, the final plan for the Robb and Brenda Werley land development for a proposed professional office was approved.

In the engineer’s comments, Chris Noll informed the board that he was completing the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) waiver application for submission by the end of the year.

Currently, Lowhill is exempt because of its small total population and the lack of urbanized areas.

In old business, Administrator Brian Carl reported the township is still waiting on the reimbursement check from FEMA for last winter’s storm.

Carl also reported he sent supervisors a copy of the Weisenberg Township cell tower ordinance for review as the township works to implement a similar ordinance which will establish guidelines for the placement of towers.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky said his crew collected leaves, shoveled gutters, and filled rolling gutters with shale in preparation for winter.

Finally, Secretary Jill Seymour announced the township’s reorganization meeting will be at 7 p.m. Jan. 3, 2017, with the regular supervisors’ meeting 7:30 p.m. Jan. 5, 2017.