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Information night on Jan. 12, 2017


Students with disabilities interested in a college experience, needing additional support and/or individualized programming to be successful, could benefit from communication skills, socialization, or independent living, and/or would benefit by being connected with a peer mentor, Lehigh Carbon Community College’s new SEED program is available.

Information night for people interested in the program is scheduled for 6-8 p.m. on Jan. 12, 2017, in the Rothrock Library, room 120 at the Schnecksville campus.

The Success, Engagement, Education, Determination (SEED) program provides comprehensive “direct” services for students with disabilities interested in the college experience to master skills in transition, academic, and/or career areas.

Application deadline is Jan. 31, 2017.

If interested, complete an application at LCCC.edu/seed.

For more information, contact Michelle Mitchell at mmitchell@lccc.edu or visitlccc.edu.