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NWL school board reorganizes for new year

During the Dec. 7 Northwestern Lehigh School Board reorganization meeting, President Bill Dellicker asked for a moment of silence for those who died at Pearl Harbor.

The Japanese attack began at 12:55 p.m. on Dec. 7, 1941. There were 2,400 Americans killed and thousands wounded.

The attack drew the United States into World War II, he said.

Under public comment Joe Reiter thanked Dellicker for mentioning Pearl Harbor.

“It’s important to remember what our troops have gone through,” Reiter said.

He asked if Dellicker’s book written about his time in service was in the school library.

Superintendent Mary Anne Wright assured him the book was in each library and was used.

Reiter continued, saying throughout the year he heard how the board tried to save energy and keep costs down on its building projects. “Thanks for saving a couple bucks,” he said.

He mentioned an idea he asked about before - a real estate discount for low-income residents.

Moving on to board reorganization, Dellicker was chosen president pro tempore and opened the floor to nominations for president.

The only one nominated, Dellicker thanked the board for its trust in him.

Paul Fisher was nominated and elected vice president. Both held the same positions last year.

Changes may be made on the committees and will be announced in January 2017.

Press photo by Elsa KerschnerNorthwestern Lehigh School Board officers elected for the 2017-18 school year are Willard Dellicker, president, and Paul Fisher, vice president.