Published December 07. 2016 11:00PM
Scott Burnet, habitat committee chair of the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society, has been building towers for Swifts all across Pennsylvania and neighboring areas, said Chad Schwartz, program specialist, during the recent Lehigh Gap Nature Center open house.
Between capped chimneys and fewer hollow trees for nesting, Swifts are having a hard time in the environment, but they can eat over 1,000 mosquitoes a day so it is beneficial to help them find homes. During migration, one tower can house 1,000 Swifts.
Helping Burnet were the Color of Nature leaders: Antonio and Anais Martinez, Darien Rivera and Jose Reyes. Funding was from Lynn Serfass. The Color of Nature committee plants gardens to bring color to urban areas. They expect the Chimney Swifts to have settled in their new home by next summer when they migrate back north.