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Officers target seat belt safety in November

As part of its participation through a grant by Buckle Up PA, Salisbury Police Department patrol officers in November targeted safe driving and the use of seat belts by motor vehicle drivers and passengers.

“As part of the traffic safety details,” Senior Patrol Officer Bryan Losagio, the police department’s traffic safety officer, said, “we found way too many unsafe practices by drivers on our community’s streets and roads and many of those involved are paying a steep price for their offenses.”

Police issued 10 speeding citations, four commercial vehicle violation tickets, seven seat belt violation summonses, one careless driving ticket, seven suspended driver tickets, five uninsured vehicle tickets and nearly 50 tickets for other violations, Losagio said.

“We have zero tolerance for unbuckled drivers and passengers in vehicles,” Losagio said. “If you are observed not wearing a seat belt in Salisbury Township, expect a ticket. Wearing a seat belt literally can be the difference between walking away from a crash unharmed or major injury and even death.”

“Our interest is that people take the three seconds it takes to buckle up and always drive safely,” Losagio said.