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Tall grasses at Lindberg Park discussed

The Salisbury Township Recreation Advisory Committee met Nov. 21 for its regular bimonthly meeting.

Only Recreation Advisory Committee Members Chair Mark Wilson and Francis J. McCullough were in attendance; members Vice Chair Frank Adamcik, Secretary Patrick Jacoby and Antonella DiMatteo were not able to attend.

Recreation Director Genny Baillie was also in attendance.

In committee reports, McCullough noted the “no bike” signs have yet to be installed at Lindberg Park.

Wilson noted receiving complaints from parents at Lindberg Park regarding the tall grasses growing in the outfield. Parents said children were getting mosquito bites. The committee discussed the tall grasses are part of the meadows - a section of the Lindberg Park grant.

Baillie discussed a meeting held with some residents regarding the proposed Laubach Park master site plan. The residents said they did not attend the public meeting because they had no knowledge of the meeting and had concerns about the parking, the removal of a tree and the proposed move of the pavilion.

The consultants have made a few adjustments to the plan and a letter will be sent to homeowners, according to Baillie. It is hoped board approval would happen in December.

Baillie thanked Paragon Transit who did not charge the township to transport students to Lindberg Park for playground day. “It was very much appreciated,” Baillie said.

The next meeting will be held in January, 2017 at the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave., Allentown.