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BREAKING NEWS: Police say LCTI is safe, bomb threat was a hoax

According to information provide by the school, State Police have deemed Lehigh Career and Technical Institute safe following a search of the campus.

LCTI was evacuated this morning over a bomb threat.

State police responded, found the threat was unfounded and deemed the school safe for students and staff.

According to the school, the incident began about 10:45 a.m. Monday when a student reported finding a handwritten note in the hallway.

The note indicated there was a bomb in the school.

LCTI administrators contacted state police and began an evacuation of the facility. Students and staff were sent to predetermined shelters.

Morning session students were bused to their sending high schools and LCTI’s afternoon session was canceled. Parents and guardians were notified of the bomb threat and resulting schedule changes via an automated phone call from the school.

Upon arrival, state police secured the campus and searched the school. At about 12:45 p.m., they determined the note was a hoax.

LCTI staff, as well as students who had not yet been bused to their sending high schools, returned to the facility.

Afternoon and evening Adult Workforce Education classes at LCTI will proceed as scheduled.

The bomb threat remains under investigation.