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Student representatives update board members on school activities

Student representatives from each school attended the Nov. 16 Salisbury Township School District board meeting to update members on the student activities.

Harry S Truman Elementary School student Bailee Neitz reported on recent activities and said the PTO Holiday Shop will be held Nov. 29 through Dec. 2 for students to shop for gifts for their families. On Dec. 8, third grade students will take a field trip to Symphony Hall to see “The Nutcracker.”

Western Salisbury Elementary School student Aaron Rhoomes told the board the school held a mock presidential election and Hillary Clinton was the winner. The Salisbury Middle School kindness club visited WSE to read to students. On Nov. 15, fifth grade students invited their families to lunch.

Quinn Wittman and Gianna Fitzsimmons reported the Interact Club at SMS hosted a dodgeball game raising money for “Dream Come True.” On Dec. 11, middle school students will participate in the Great American Mail Race by sending “snail mail” to other middle school students.

Salisbury High School students Agostino D’Ancona and Vivian Rogers reported the Key Club is selling Florida fruit and poinsettias for the holidays. For more information, contact the school at 610-797-4107. The student government association held a food drive and collected 1,046 items. On Dec. 1, student government will hold their first blood drive. The public is invited to participate by donating blood during this event. Call the school for additional information.

Senior Alex Diamond was recognized for receiving the 2016 Widener University Leadership Award. Diamond received $20,000 per year to attend the school as well as the presidential award for an additional $26,500 per year. Diamond is interested in studying library science or human resources in college.

Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss noted the community breakfast will be held Nov. 19 at SHS. Five alumni who attended the school 1978 through 2003 will be honored on the newly established Wall of Honor.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Lynn Fuini-Hetten said the Salisbury Education Foundation is accepting mini grant applications. One grant will be awarded per building.

DeSales University student Phillip Gregory Dolan was approved as a student teacher to work with social studies teacher Barry Frick Feb. 6, 2017 through May 5, 2017.

The board approved the recommended action based on the completed 2015-2016 single audit, to commit and/or assign portions of the June 30 fund balance for the following purposes: non-spendable fund balance, $110,665 (comprised of $50,000 inventory value and $61,665 of prepaid expense); committed fund balance, $1,195,288 (compensated absences) and assigned fund $2,639,789 – comprised of $499,719 to balance the 2016-2017 budget, $1,700,603, OPEB liability, $439,467, PSERS stabilization. Total assigned is $3,945,742, total unassigned is $2,450,621 and total fund balance is $6,396,363.

A change order was approved for the middle school grease trap with a net decrease of $2,800.

A change order was approved for the district paving with a net increase of $38,435.89.

The KidsPeace pool agreement was approved Nov. 1 through June 30, 2020.

The following personnel changes were approved: the resignation of Randall Lapp as a 2 hours a day part-time cafeteria helper at SMS, transfer of Tina Lucci as a part-time one-to-one instructional assistant at HST to WSE, increase in hours for Natasha Charles from a 2 hours a day part-time cafeteria helper at SMS to a 3 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS; employ Paula Douris as the basketball/wrestling cheerleader coach; employ Lisa Grim as the middle school cheerleader coach-winter; employ Matthew Mirth as the middle school wrestling coach; employ Theodore McAllister as the assistant swimming coach; approve Christopher Basile as a volunteer assistant middle school boys basketball coach; approve Caitlin Hrebik as a volunteer assistant varsity girls basketball coach; approve Adam Young as a volunteer assistant varsity boys basketball coach and approve Justin Aungst as a volunteer assistant varsity boys basketball coach.

Eleven policies were approved for final reading and adoption in the board’s quest to review and revise all policies if necessary.

School-affiliated organizations were approved for the 2016-2017 school year including booster clubs, the WSE PTA, the HST PTO, Salisbury Music Association and the Pennsylvania Association of Gifted Education (Salisbury Chapter).

Board members approved the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute financing plan resolution unanimously. Board members George Gatanis and Mary Ziegler were not in attendance.

Upcoming meetings include the board reorganization meeting 7 p.m. Dec. 7 followed by an operations committee meeting at the administration building. A curriculum and technology meeting will follow the operations meeting Dec. 7.

The next regular board meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14 at the administration building.

Salisbury High School senior Alex Diamond stands with his mother Diane Marsilio after being recognized at the Nov. 15 board meeting for receiving the 2016 Widener University Leadership Award.PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH