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Pennies have the power at Heidelberg Union Church party

Do you have a coffee can full of long-saved pennies just collecting dust on a shelf?

Why not bring them to the next Heidelberg Union Church penny party in the spring?

Pennies, if not brought from home, can be purchased along with tickets at the Nov. 12 event.

For those who have never been to a penny party, each prize has a number on it. If the number is five players place five pennies (or a nickel) in the container passed around on a tray with each prize for people to see.

There is a second container and a ticket is placed in that one.

When the prize circles the players and gets back to the caller, she calls the number of the winner, explained Eugene Handwerk, also the person who made the pierogies that morning for the hungry penny party players.

If there is a prize, someone especially wants, twice the five pennies become 10, which can be placed in the container along with a second number in the other container.

Most prizes are small such as cake mixes, Jell-O molds, cereal and even a tube of toothpaste.

However, on a separate table there were the door prizes with larger prizes.

Linda Fritzinger said she is the leader of the gang, the organizer for the spring and fall penny parties at Heidelberg Union Church.