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Lowhill Twp holds the line on taxes

Lowhill Township residents have something to look forward to in 2017.

Supervisors’ Chairman Richard Hughes announced at the board’s Nov. 3 meeting there will be no tax increase in the new year.

With expenditures slightly less than revenue, the township is stable financially.

“We’ve been consistent in not drawing down our reserves,” said Hughes, adding the township has a year in reserves. “I think our residents are reasonably happy.

“We have been purchasing good equipment and we spend the money wisely.”

Later in the meeting, however, discussions ensued regarding possible increased expenses in upcoming years.

In his engineering report, Chris Noll commented on the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) situation facing local townships, many of which will face big changes and collateral expenses in 2018 with regard to pollution reduction, which includes planning, education and mapping.

“At this point, Lowhill Township has an exemption,” Noll said. “The township will be filing a new exemption application at the end of this year.

“I think we are still going to be OK.”

Currently, Lowhill is exempt due to its low total population and lack of urbanized areas.

Noll warned, and supervisors agreed, this non-federally funded mandate may become a costly endeavor in future years.

In other matters, repair of Bear Bridge was also discussed.

Keystone Consulting Engineering, Wescosville, is putting together proposals.

When ready to move forward, repairs will be done by the township road crew.

In new business, township Tax Collector Carol Betz addressed the board after returning from a convention and receiving recertification.

She requested the board approve an increase to her fees for certifications and duplications from $15 for a search and $3 for a duplicate to $20 and $5, respectively.

“The last time I asked for an increase was in 2008,” Betz said.

The board unanimously agreed and a resolution is expected to be voted on in December for inclusion in the township’s reorganization efforts for 2017.

Finally, the board announced that the 2017 reorganization meeting will be 7 p.m. Jan. 3, 2017, with the regular supervisors’ meeting 7:30 p.m. Jan. 5, 2017.