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District news: Wear red, white and blue tomorrow

Students, show your support of Veterans Day, Nov. 11, by wearing red, white and blue!


The middle school’s holiday hope chest drive begins Nov. 14 and ends Nov. 23. Please look for the detailed flier from your middle-schooler to hear how you can help. Students learn how to reach out to help others during this drive.

This is an annual event and is always a huge success!


Gockley’s picture retake day is scheduled for Nov. 18. Students who were absent or did not have their orders on picture day can have their pictures retaken. Please return the first packet to your child’s teacher on that day.

Any new students who enrolled after the original picture day will receive a picture order form.


Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for this month - Nov. 21-23. Your child’s teacher will schedule an appointment time with you for your conference.

Kindergarten children will not have school on the days of conferences.

The final regular school day for kindergarten is Nov. 18. Other elementary students will be dismissed 11:45 a.m. during conference days.

Lunch will not be served on these dates.

Additionally, Gockley’s spirit wear sale will be held during parent-teacher conferences. A display table will be set up in the office area.

There will be a supply of sweatshirts, T-shirts, sweatpants, shorts and more in limited children’s sizes - cash payment only.


Schools will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday Nov. 24-28. Students return to school Nov. 29.


Gockley students are participating in Crayola’s Color Cycle program. It involves reusing dried-up, used markers for clean energy. Instead of throwing away old markers, send them to school with your child.

The program is coordinated by the building’s art teacher, Mr. Chad Brader.

Parents can visit crayola.com/colorcycle for more information on the program.


Mark your calendar! The Whitehall High School swim team is hosting a designer purse bingo featuring Michael Kors, Coach and Vera Bradley Dec. 3 at the Egypt Memorial Park pavilion. Doors open 4:30 p.m., and bingo begins 6 p.m.

The cost of a ticket includes 20 games of regular bingo. Food, raffles and specials will be available for an additional cost.

Email whitehallswim@gmail.com to purchase tickets. This was a sellout event last year, so purchase your tickets early!


Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTSAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.