Parkland High School takes top honors with ‘Bubbles’
The Emmaus Arts Commission announced the results of its annual film festival.
Student films premiered at the Emmaus Theatre recently.
Students create, shoot and edit a film in 120 hours. The festival is open to middle school and high school students.
This year’s top honors were awarded as follows:
First Place: Team Leader: Graham Burrell
School: Parkland High School
Film Title: Bubbles the Clown
Second Place: Team Leader: Harley Bender
Team: Austin Boyko, Anthony Christiano, Hannah Flaven, Katherine Hartzell, Lane Markovics, Sally Wallace
School: Northampton Area High School
Film Title: It Started on Any Given Day
First Place: Team Leader Tessa Fritz
Team: Josh Fritz, Sydnie Howard
School: Lower Macungie Middle School
Film Title: Forgotten
Second Place: Team Leader Maeve Yanes
Team: Brian Merk, Danny Merk, Jackson Merk, Ryan Merlo, Ciara Esteves
School: Lower Macungie Middle School
Film Title: Watch Your Step
Best Editing, film direction and acting:
Team Leader: Jackson Bernhard
Team: Daniel VanParys, Gavin Boone, Harrison Bernhard, Jason Woolley, Isaac Bredbenner
School: Northwestern Lehigh High School
Film Title: Heaven’s Gate
Creativity and Originality: Kate Manning, Kerry Harper
School: Henry Hudson Regional School
Film Title: Coexisting
Best Story Telling: Mary Dalton, Lynsey Reynard, Maggie Gareca
School: Parkland High School
Film Title: Homecoming/What Are Friends for!
Best improvisation of a product: Maya Schlesinger
Team: Johanna Dam, Matt Ninesling
School: Emmaus High School
Film Title: Ramen Noodles/Noodle Experiment
The Rick Baker Award for best creature creation: Kenzie Cichocki
Team: Kayla Cichocki;
School: Lower Macungie Middle School
Film Title: Carnivores Plants/Man Eating Monster Plant