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New recycling containers for residents coming soon

New recycling containers were introduced at the Nov. 3 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting.

Kemrey Reinold, a representative from Rehrig Pacific, introduced the containers along with Stan Cupp, project manager for Lower Macungie Township. The new containers have wheels and are very durable with some lasting for 18 years. The average age of these containers is considered to be 10 years. The 65-gallon container will be the standard with a 35-gallon container to be available. Letters will be sent to community residents advising of the new container and delivery date. This letter will also advise of the smaller container size if the resident requests it.

This larger recycling container is being used in the hopes of improving recycling within the township. The township receives grants based on recycling use.

There was an executive session before the commissioners meeting to discuss real estate acquisitions.

In other business, Governor Tom Wolf appointed Barbara Ferri as emergency management coordinator for Lower Macungie Township. Ferri will be responsible for the development and administration of Lower Macungie Township’s emergency preparedness.

Liza Ackerman has resigned from the public safety commission,

Schoeneck Road will reopen by the end of the month. The new intersection will not be ready until the spring as it is the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s decision to hold off paving at this time of year.

A grant application is being proposed for a playground at the community center.

Budget talks are proceeding and the budget will be available soon. During the process, the bond issue was discussed. It was decided to move forward on this as it is a time-consuming process; Commissioner Ronald W. Beitler voted against due to not wanting to be rushed into making a decision.

At the recent shredding event, 6.25 tons of paper was shredded.

Discussion over trucks driving onto Krocks Court took on a new idea - to change the name of Krocks Court so as to alleviate the confusion over Krocks Court and Krocks Road. Trucks deliver goods to the new shopping center and see the name Krocks and make the assumption this is the road to the shopping center. This name-change is not a preferred method as it is costly to residents.

Discussion over safety issues on Brookside Road especially near Princeton Road are being considered. Several suggestions have been submitted such as improving the sight line by trimming trees and bushes, using a stop bar and installing signs about intersection ahead.

Street light conversion to LED will take place on Indian Creek Road. It will cost a little over $500 but will save over $5,400 a year.

Estate Maintenance Incorporated was chosen to continue grass mowing and leaf collection. EMI’s bid was the lowest with $54,915 for the grass cutting and $87,547 for leaf collection.

Stan Cupp and Kemrey Reinold show the new recycling containers which will be available to residents in Lower Macungie Township.PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZ