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Board OKs drop-off location

It is budget season for local governments and Lowhill Township supervisors began the process prior to its October supervisors’ meeting.

Supervisors agreed to allow residents to use the township building grounds as a drop of site for highway clean up.

Many residents take to the roads in Lowhill and Weisenberg townships, collecting trash before the winter season arrives.

The group of residents cleans up several miles of state road.

In the past, they were able to drop off the trash at Seipstown Grange but the grange has been sold.

PennDOT then picks up the trash from the drop-off sites.

In reference to the hybrid cell towers in the road right-of-way, the board is looking to adopt its own version based upon the proposed ordinances of neighboring townships.

Supervisors previously stated they wanted to place restrictions regarding height and placement of the towers.

The township is still waiting for the Federal Emergency Management check to arrive from last winter’s major storm.

In new business, supervisors agreed to a recreation fund donation of $1,500 to the Northwestern Recreation Commission.