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Two seek United States senator seat

Democrat Katie McGinty is challenging incumbent Republican Pat Toomey for the position of United States senator in the general election Nov. 8.

The Press asked the candidates the following question: Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Their responses follow.

Katie McGinty:

Pennsylvanians have had good reason to feel the deck is stacked against them – our economy is back from the brink, but wages haven’t kept pace with the cost of living. In the senate, I will prioritize the needs of working Pennsylvanians and ensure they see the rewards of their labor by raising wages, closing the wage gap and reducing the cost of healthcare.

My parents, a police officer and restaurant hostess, worked hard to provide for our family. In the senate, I will work to restore the basic bargain that if you put in the hours, you can get ahead.

Pat Toomey:

Serving as an independent voice for Pennsylvania the past six years has been the greatest professional honor of my life. I want to continue to fight for the freedom and prosperity that is our birthright as Americans. I’m proud of the bipartisan progress I’ve made in my first term, whether it’s the JOBS Act, making our classrooms safer for kids or fighting opioid abuse. However, the job isn’t done. We need to lower taxes to help struggling families and create more jobs and fix our misguided foreign policy that has diminished our security. I’m ready for another six years, and I’m asking for your vote.

Katie McGinty Copyright - &Copy; Bryce Vickmark. All rights reserved.