District news: Marching Zephyr Band will host Music in Motion Oct. 15
Whitehall High School’s Marching Zephyr Band will be hosting Music in Motion Oct. 15 at Zephyr Stadium. This event will showcase 12 marching bands from around the area, including Whitehall’s very own Marching Zephyr Band and the high school and middle school marching bands of Northampton Area School District. There also will be bands from New Jersey.
The first performance is 6 p.m., and there is an admission fee. Food will be available for purchase.
For more information, email wmpamarchingband@gmail.com.
On Oct. 24, Gockley students are encouraged to wear red to show the nationwide support for the efforts to reduce the demand for drugs in the community and country. Children may wear red socks, red shirts, red shoelaces and red ribbons.
Please show your school spirit and wear red!
The Halloween community project at Gockley Elementary School benefits Whitehall Food Bank. During the trick-or-treat season this year, Gockley Elementary will be sharing treats with the food bank. On Oct. 28, they encourage students, staff, families and friends to bring in a canned food item.
There will be a box in the school office to drop off items. There also will be a box in front of the main school entrance for families and friends to drop off items when they come to watch the parades.
This is a one-day event. Thank you for reaching out and helping the students learn to show kindness to their neighbors and community.
On Oct. 28, students at the middle school will have a hat and candid photo day. Students and staff are encouraged to wear a hat, and during the day candid photos will be taken for the yearbook.
The A+ Program with Giant grocery stores takes place now through March 15. Supporters can help Gockley earn cash every time they shop using their bonus card at Giant.
It’s simple to register your card. Just visit giantfoodstores.com/aplus or call 1-888-448-4642 for assistance to register your card by phone. The Gockley ID is 23434.
Cafeteria updates to remember: Any child approved for free or reduced lunches will receive the daily meal and beverage. Additional items are not included. Parents may deposit funds in their child’s account if they would like their child to purchase additional items.
Breakfasts are being served for $1.60.
Do you have any school mews? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTSAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with Whitehall-Coplay School News in the subject line at least a week before an event.