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Members vote on dogs and bikes and Lindberg Park

At the Sept. 19 recreation advisory committee meeting, members met to discuss allowing dogs and bikes on the trail at Lindberg Park.

“We are seeing scary moments happen,” Chair Mark Wilson said. “I’m worried if we don’t do something about it, someone is going to get hurt.”

Committee member Frank McCullough said mothers are complaining and saying it is hard to walk the trail with bikes racing by.

Wilson said with an 8 foot wide trail, you can’t have youth on bikes. “It is not safe.”

McCullough said just recently he saw two people racing on bikes on the trail.

The committee voted three yes and one no vote on the following statement which will be forwarded to the commissioners: “Based on our experience with the perimeter trail which has been open for more than one year and reviewing feedback received regarding bikes on the trail, we recommend bikes not be permitted at this time on the perimeter trail at Lindberg Park.”

Frank Adamcik, McCullough and Wilson voted yes; secretary Patrick Jacoby voted no on the recommendation.

“We are saying this because of safety,” McCullough said. “Obviously, this is open for public comment and ideas.”

The subject then turned to allowing dogs on the perimeter trail at Lindberg Park.

“This is very contentious in our neighborhood,” Wilson said. “We have very good dog owners in our township.”

The committee said the purpose of the fence was so dogs could be walked outside of the recreational area.

After much discussion, the committee voted on the following recommendation: “To allow walking leashed dogs on the perimeter trail at Lindberg Park.”

Adamcik, Wilson and Jacoby voted yes. McCullough voted no.

“I would like to come to a compromise,” McCullough said. “I’m looking at the safety of the residents.”

Recreation Director Genny Baillie said as part of the master plan, signs and bike racks have been ordered. The bike racks are for those who ride to the park for other activities.

Baillie provided a playground report on activities and number of participants. At Green Acres, 81 children were registered, at Lindberg, 48 children were registered, at Devonshire, 21 children were registered and at Laubach, 98 children were registered.

Jacoby was the soccer clinic instructor and both clinics were well attended.

Jacoby and Kim Ringhoffer were the arts and crafts instructors. “Arts and crafts remains one of the favorite events in the program and is always well attended,” Baillie said.

Baillie noted for movie night, “Zootopia” was shown at Green Acres and Laubach. A concern is the cost of the movie rights versus the attendance level at Laubach. She will re-evaluate if movie night “is worth the expense for the attendance.”

Committee member Antonella DiMateo was not in attendance as she is working out of town.

The next meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21.