The Lower Milford Township Supervisors met Sept. 21 and approved the Aug. 31 treasurer’s report and September bills.
The public works department reported East Mill Hill Road, Landis Lane and Orchard Road sealcoating has been completed. The department has also been busy with preparations for the fall festival, various road repairs, mowing and installing a sign cap on the Lower Milford township sign.
Zoning and planning reported five zoning permit applications and seven building permit applications were received; eight zoning permits and seven building permits were issued.
Four certificates of occupancy were granted, three timber harvest permits were applied for and two were issued.
One building permit renewal was applied for and issued.
Zoning has also been conducting drive-by inspections of township properties for unlawful construction and any ordinance violations. Obvious violations are found with GIS and satellite monitoring.
There were no new subdivisions or land development plans pending before the planning commission.
Two calls were received regarding the subdivision of a single parcel into two.
The planning commission received plans from Geryville for the upcoming planning commission meeting Oct. 3 and is continuing to gather information on the status of various maps and information from other municipalities regarding the SW Lehigh Comprehensive Plan.
It was reported the regional comprehensive plan steering committee is reviewing comments and changes to the draft plan outline prepared by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Also reported was the Federal Emergency Management Agency storm reimbursement is pending.
The first draft of the 2017 budget is being prepared and will be presented at the October Board supervisors meeting.
The Borough of Macungie is working with Lower Milford to purchase some police equipment and is awaiting Macungie’s offer.
The ambulance corps reported out of the 295 calls of service this month, three were in Lower Milford Township. So far this year, the community outreach team of the Macungie Ambulance Corps has certified over 440 people in first aid or CPR. In addition, over 1,000 people have received basic CPR training and a “take home” hands-on CPR kit. These kits were graciously donated through a cooperative effort by Lehigh Valley Health Network and the American Heart Association.
The employee pension plan approval of the minimum municipal obligation budget for 2017 was motioned by Supervisor Michael Snovitch, seconded by Supervisor John Quigley and adopted by unanimous vote.
Requests from Coopersburg, Macungie and the Hausman Fruit Farm for the fire police during their respective October events was motioned by Quigley, seconded by Snovitch and adopted by unanimous vote.
The next meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. Oct. 19.