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Alternate planner needed

As summer comes to an end, the Heidelberg Township road crew is finishing up summer duties and looking ahead to the winter season during its August board of supervisors meeting.

Road superintendent Kevin Huber informed the board that township roads have been chipped, paved, and lines painted.

The crew is working on other clean up throughout the township.

The board also reviewed and approved the multi-municipal salt bid for the upcoming season and Administrator Janice Meyers reported the township should be able to recoup from FEMA 75 percent of spending from last winter’s major February storm.

In old business, the planning commission will review the proposed mini-cell tower ordinance designed to place limitations on their placement in the township.

In budget matters, budget workshops, which are open to the public will be at 7 p.m. a half-hour before each supervisors’ meeting.

Supervisor Steve Bachman requested the budget be structured to ensure payroll is easily met in the early months of 2017.

“We need to be sure we have enough money to make payroll until tax time,” Bachman said.

In zoning matters, Chris Noll reported.

“We had a very good month,” Noll said. People responded to letters [that were sent] and cleaned up [their properties].”

Noll also addressed the board with “a laundry list of items” during the engineering report involving the upcoming MS4 requirements.

“We are figuring around $10,000 to meet the requirements, to get the maps up to date, and to provide pollution prevention and education,” Noll said. “The reality is here.”

Big changes are expected in 2018 with regard to pollution reduction plans which includes MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer systems).

“We would like the EAC (Environmental Advisory Committee) to take over the education aspect,” said Bachman, referring to the educational and public awareness aspects within the township.

During public comment, an audience member questioned the absence of Supervisor Rodney Schlauch.

Schlauch has not attended a meeting for three or four months.

The question was asked, what would happen if either Bachman or David Fink (the other two supervisors) were unable to attend or if something happened to them, then the board would not have a quorum.

Bachman stated that once elected, supervisors maintain their position for the duration of their term, but agreed to give an update at the next meeting.

In new business, the township is seeking to appoint an alternate planning commission member.

Interested individuals may contact the office or look for the form on the website.

The EAC is also seeking new members who want to become involved in this important group.

Finally, with Halloween around the corner, Trick or Treat Night has been set for 6-8 p.m. Oct. 29.