Supervisors defend position on referendum
Upper Milford supervisors at their Sept. 15 meeting insisted they are taking no official position on the open space referendum which will appear on the November ballot.
Phil Vanim, a member of the open space committee who has spoken against the measure, challenged their neutrality, contending “there was advocacy going on” at the special meetings supervisors held last spring to discuss the issue.
He contended, “If you were against it [the referendum question], you never would have put out the referendum.”
He asked whether township Solicitor Marc Fisher had attended those meetings to ensure supervisors maintained a neutral stance.
Fisher responded whenever the issue was discussed at supervisors’ meetings, supervisors have maintained neutrality.
Supervisor Robert Sentner acknowledged he personally is in favor of preserving open space, but said he will not campaign for the referendum question.
Board members said they approved the referendum question because there seemed to be a lot of interest in the issue among township residents.
The question asks residents whether they favor increasing the earned income tax by .1385 percent and using the revenue to acquire or preserve undeveloped open space.
Resident Phil Casey criticized the measure, saying, “In simplest language, this represents the largest tax increase the township has ever proposed.”
“I agree with you,” Sentner said.
In other action, supervisors authorized township Manager Daniel DeLong to bid on a used truck which another municipality has put up for sale for $29,000. DeLong said another truck is needed to use in emergencies such as the recent storm which downed many trees and branches on township roads.
The bidding process is contingent on Fisher approving the action, as there are certain restrictions on such bidding in the township code.
Supervisors also approved a one-year extension for Seedway improvements and stressed Seedway still has to give five trees to the township as part of its improvements agreement. The township will hold Seedway’s $138,000 bond until the trees are delivered.
Jason Tapler, of Citizens Fire Company, asked whether Seedway is also living up to its agreement to keep an access road on the property clear for emergencies.
The Citizens Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary announced orders are due by Oct. 4 for its shoofly pie sale. To purchase, go to the Vera Cruz Fire Company website.