Lee Lichtenwalner commended for 29 years of service
At the Sept. 15 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, Lee Lichtenwalner received a proclamation from the commissioners for his years of service.
Lichtenwalner, special project coordinator and a member of the pension committee and the wastewater advisory committee, has been involved with the township for 29 years.
Commissioner Brian Higgins said, “Lichtenwalner can do anything. Lichtenwalner is a treasure.”
Commissioner Ben Galiardo said, “Anything I needed to know, I went to Lee.”
State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, also issued a proclamation commending Lichtenwalner for his years of service.
The Trexler Business Center has a plan modification due to a driveway issue with the animal hospital. The animal hospital is not interested in sharing a driveway with the business center. This creates a minor change in the plans for the center.
David Jaindl said the improvements for Spring Creek Road are completed.
Susan Nienstiel, with the Lower Macungie Library, thanked the commissioners for their support during the Taste of Soup event. The event raised over $7,000 for the library. There were 14 soups to taste.
The Hamilton Boulevard adaptive lights are functioning now with a few minor glitches. This system monitors traffic from Minesite to Krocks Court. The system monitoring allows for a green light from one light to the last during moderate traffic.
Re-signage is being considered for the intersection of Route 100 and Creamery as trucks are still making illegal turns.
There is a need for better signs at Krocks Court as trucks are entering this dead end road and getting stuck as there is no place to turn around.
The Schoeneck Road relocation project is progressing. This road will be closed in the near future from Route 100 to the curve for approximately two months. The detour for this project is Alburtis Road.
Public Works will forward the complaint about portable basketball hoops in the right-of-way to the parks and recreation committee.
The Lower Macungie Township pool exceeded last year’s revenue by $4,000 according to Township Manager Bruce Fosselman.
A resident on Mertztown Road has complained about trucks and other speeding vehicles. The road is used as an alternative to Route 222. His concern is for children, bikers, joggers and other residents. The road has school buses loading and unloading children. The heavy usage and speeding seems to be particularly bad during rush hour. The resident suggested more police involvement, lowering the speed limit and limiting truck traffic.
A resident is requesting regional stormwater improvement on the northeast corner of Hamilton and Krocks Court. It is requested reinforced concrete piping be used.
The Hamilton Boulevard speed study was rejected but there is a proposal to meet with Pennsylvania Department of Transporation engineers.
There is a request to do a traffic study on Route 100 north of Macungie borough within the township boundaries.
The township’s cable provider RCN is merging with Radiate Holdco. A letter is being submitted by the township accepting this merger.
A resolution for an amendment to the meeting rules in regard to disruptive behavior at meetings was approved.
The dog park rules are ready for approval. They are listed on the lowermac.com website. In general, owners are responsible for their pets ensuring dogs are up-to-date on vaccination, making sure the dogs are not causing any destruction to the park and dog behavior is under control.
The park is just for dog use and only used by residents who are registered and hold a key fob.