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Making children feel special

For the sixth year in a row, the St. Luke’s School of Nursing student nurse association collected backpacks and filled them with school supplies so children of families that participate in the hospital’s maternal child health programs would have some of the educational supplies needed when the new school year starts.

Nursing School students solicited contributions throughout the St. Luke’s University Health Network and were able to provide over 100 backpacks.

Binders, tablets, filler paper, pencils and markers were among each backpack’s contents.

Student Nursing Association Fundraising Officer Rachel Weeks called it “a blessing” to be able to help the young students.

At a reception held recently, backpacks were handed out and refreshments were served to the young beneficiaries of the student nurses’ efforts.

Kelly Berk, director of the maternal child health program, said first-time at-risk mothers receive support from early pregnancy through the first two years of the child’s life. Further support services continue with in-home parental mentoring and support for the growth and development of the children.

“The goal of the ‘Backpacks to Brighten’ project is to fill this need and make the children feel special,” Student Nurses Association Aadvisor Nancy Kanuck said.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DANA GRUBBSchool of Nursing Student Association Vice President Jahnyl Jauregui participated in past ‘Backpacks to Brighten' projects as a recipient. Now she and her fiancé, Jonathan Figueroa, with son Aiden Figueroa, are attending the St. Luke's School of Nursing. “It meant the world to me,” Jauregui said, “and it provided resources I didn't know existed.”