Coplay: Whitehall High School pool is open
Although the borough pool is closed until next summer, you can continue to swim at the Whitehall High School pool.
The pool is open to Coplay and Whitehall residents. There is no cost to swim.
Family swim time is 7-8 p.m., with adult swim time 8-9 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays, through Nov. 9. In 2017, family swim time is Jan. 9-March 29, and adult swimming is Jan. 9-May 1.
After months of restoration on one of the Saylor Kilns, Lehigh County has erected an informational sign detailing the work that has gone into the project and the funding for the endeavor. Residents and those along the adjoining Ironton Rail Trail await the removal of the scaffolding that now shrouds the brick kiln.
Accompanied by a photo of the seven kilns, the wording on the attractive sign states, “The kilns are an iconic feature of the representation of the history of Coplay and the Lehigh Valley.” It states the kilns recognize the social and historical importance to community but are nationally recognized on the National Register of Historical Places. Coplay Cement Manufacturing discontinued use of the kilns in 1904.
According to the message, the restoration work was needed because of water infiltration, damage to the bricks and vegetation growth, citing corrosion to the steel. Financing for the project was handled by grants from Save America’s Treasures, administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior and partly Lehigh County.
The good news is that the historic kilns, the only such standing in the United States, won’t fall to the wrecking ball. The less-than-good news is the costly project could take years, unless some foundation funding and grants come to fruition.
Wondering what is taking place on the south side of Chestnut Street where formerly an attorney had his law practice?
A dentist will be taking up residence there. An addition is being constructed.
The Front Street project is now moving a bit faster than what was happening the last several weeks. The road surface in the center was removed, showing its concrete base. A fresh macadam topping will coat the street. Chestnut Street south to the former Laky’s store, which is now affordable public housing.