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‘Night’ profit increases

Two big winners at this year’s Night in the Country celebration were Dolores Bennicoff for cow flop bingo and Tri-Clover Fire Company for the fire company games.

Chairman Kathy Hermany thanked everyone who helped with this year’s event, saying it was a good night.

The recreation commission took in either $158 more than last year or $25 more, depending on the way the number is calculated.

Though all but two bills have been turned in, Hermany did not have the final accounting at the last recreation commission meeting.

“I sound like a broken record but you do a great job,” said Recreation Commission President Don Link.

He also said many people are willing to help because Hermany is easy to work with.

Todd Hernandez will replace John Casciano on the commission as a representative of the NWL school board.

Facilities requests include the annual softball church tournament on the first Saturday in August 2017.

Bus evacuation drills are held at the rec fields near the beginning of the school year.

Jim Hughes reported someone tried to break into the storage area where the tractors are kept. Security cameras were put up.

Todd Leiser asked if the fields were to be aerated again now in the fall. They will be.

Leiser said a girl’s lacrosse team is being formed. A clinic will be offered from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Oct. 15 and 29.

Equipment will be provided, though anyone having their own may use it.

The clinic is for girls in grades five through eight who live in the Northwestern Lehigh School District.

For information, go to girlslacrosse@nyaatigers.org.

Laurie Markle, director of the Philadelphia Chapter, will work with the girls teaching fundamentals and concepts.

Rob Serulneck said it was good to see something more for the girls.

Weisenberg Township representative Linda Gorgas said the fields are being worked on and hopefully the baseball field will be ready at Weisenberg by next year.

The township is waiting for permits to move on with other field work. Gorgas said the road crew is doing much of the work.

Serulneck said with the location so near I-78 he expects a lot of tournaments will be asking to use the fields.

The fields at the Weisenberg Elementary School are being used for T-ball and softball.