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Charter school: 5-K costumed run/walk event

The Arts Academy Charter Middle School is hosting a regional costume-themed 5-K run/walk Oct. 22 at the Lehigh Parkway.

Wear your favorite costume and join the school 9 a.m. Oct. 22 for the Art Dart 5-K Run/Walk.

Awards will be presented for the timed runs and participants in costume categories.

Early bird registration ends Sept. 15, after which entry fees increase. Visit arts-cs.org/ArtDart.

Proceeds benefit the school.

The Arts Academy Charter Middle School is a tuition-free, arts-enriched public middle school serving students from over 20 school districts in grades 5-8.

AACMS offers an arts-integrated approach to learning, with opportunities to explore dance, visual arts, theater, figure skating, and vocal and instrumental music. Visit arts-cs.org.