Board approves district agreements
The school board directors for the East Penn School District approved a number of product and professional agreements at the Aug. 22 meeting.
The first agreement was with the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21/Edmentum Consortium to provide and support Study Island for the 2016-2017 school year at a cost of $79,848.25.
According to the Study Island website, “Study Island offers rigorous content built from the Pennsylvania Core Standards to prepare for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment.
“Study Island supports the learning process and builds off of your students’ enthusiasm for technology with engaging, interactive lessons and activities. Students can work through the web-based program at their own pace, or teachers can guide students through the program. And with dynamic content, students don’t memorize the answers, they learn the topics.”
The middle school bundle includes math content and enrichment and remediation materials for students, benchmarks for math for students in grades six and seven and math and science for students in grade eight. Common Core Test packs are also included in the price. A seventh grade reading benchmark is also provided.
Study Island reading and math support is provided at the elementary level for students in grades three through five.
The board also approved an agreement with CLIU21 for the EPSD cyber program - eLearn 21 effective through Aug. 7, 2018.
The following facility rental requests were approved: Mayura Academy of Indian Dance to rent the choral room and auditorium at Eyer Middle School Oct. 14 and 15 and Coral’s Academy of Dance to rent the choral rooms and auditorium at Eyer Middle School Dec. 10.
Board policies 301 through 324 for employees were reviewed for a first reading. The policies include Creating a Position, Employment of Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent, Employment of District Staff, Employment of Substitutes, Employment of Summer School Staff, Student Teachers/Interns, Employment Contract/Board Resolution, Assignment and Transfer, Abolishing a Program, Suspensions/Furloughs, Performance Assessment of Superintendent/AssistantySuperintendent, Evaluation of Employees, Physical Examination, HIV Infection, Conduct/Disciplinary Procedures, Educator Misconduct, Penalities for Tardiness, Outside Activities. Freedom of Speech in Nonschool Settings, Political Activities, Gifts, Tobacco and Personnel Files.
The next school board meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12 in the East Penn School District board room, 800 Pine St., Emmaus.