A special thank you offered to Chief Palmer and law enforcement individuals
To the Editor:
I would personally like to thank the officials that were a part of the first annual legacy ride with SuSu Williams, the victim of an accident involving a local garbage truck.
The fallen rider’s daughter Andrea BorBoa coordinated a motorcycle run starting at the Emmaus Fire Co #1 then taking a scenic ride out to the Wagon Wheel Tavern in Quakertown and back to the Emmaus Community Park for a picnic.
We were welcomed with a full table of goodies to eat thanks to the catering skills of Pam Fenstermaker and her rocking helper Tina along with the charitable entertainment of some local bands.
We shared our stories and shed some tears recalling our memories through the years – a beautiful day spent with beautiful people coming together as group in a group effort all lending a helping hand.
But it was the helping hands of our road captains, Quakertown Police Department, Richland Township Police Department and the recently appointed Chief of police in Emmaus Chief Palmer that kept us safe.
When I took charge of what you call “Blockers” contacting all jurisdictions that this run would take us through, I never dreamed in a million years we would end up with the support that we did.
Sandy at the Quakertown Police Department forwarded all my jumbled directions and handled my many questions just days before the run to Traffic Safety Officer Watkins and said we will see what we can do on this short notice.
But for Chief Ficco of Richland Township Police Department, short notice is not the word – it was more like 10 hours prior to the run that I realized he never got my information. Chief Ficco being on vacation still got right back to me and loaned me the use of his most awesome down-to-earth Officer Lawhead.
Not even the 30-minute delay on our departure caused a issue for us as the officers were where they said they would be with traffic stopped for our safe passage.
But my most pleasant surprise and gratitude must be given to Chief Palmer, of Emmaus, for he spent his day in the lead guiding us all the way out to our destination and waited to guide us safely back home. I was never notified he planned to do that nor had I expected him to especially in his new position with a bigger workload I’m sure.
Congratulations Chief Palmer. In my eyes, there is no better man for the job. You shall always have my support.
Thank you again to all and we hope for help again next year.
Traci Palleria