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Summer projects wrap up in the district

Director of Maintenance, Building and Grounds William Brackett updated board members on summer projects at the Aug. 8 operations committee meeting of the Salisbury Township School District.

At the Salisbury Middle School, the grease traps were completed and the face lift for the family consumer science room was completed Aug. 12. The sinks were cleaned and reused. Brackett said he made the decision to add granite to the walls as a backsplash for an additional $2,500. In addition, he plans to add a new vinyl floor at a cost of $2,500 including labor.

The number of cooking stations has increased to six.

At Western Salisbury Elementary School, the bathrooms are expected to be completed by Aug. 19. Brackett said he is very happy with the workmanship by the contractor.

“The tile work in the bathroom is phenomenal,” Brackett said.

The asphalt and sidewalk work at WSE is also expected to be completed by Aug. 19. Brackett said the request to tie into the stormwater system in the street for water drainage was denied by the township so the contractor made provisions in the new design to handle water drainage.

The playground at WSE is also complete.

The scoreboard has been installed at Salisbury High School.

The asphalt and sidewalks at Harry S Truman Elementary School are scheduled to be completed by Aug. 19. Brackett said the district saved money by repairing and not replacing.

The HVAC system at HST is scheduled for a substantial completion by Aug. 22. The school has been closed for the summer to accommodate the HVAC work. The office was expected to be opened by Aug. 12. Classrooms and pods are expected to be open by Aug. 19.

Brackett said additional work will be completed in the next month and a half at HST regarding the HVAC system.

Teachers will have new desks and chairs when they return to school at the end of August. All new furniture is in place.

A number of policies were reviewed at the operations committee meeting including drug and controlled substances, terroristic threats and acts, tobacco policy, care of school property, search and seizures, supplemental discipline measures, student assistance program, hazing, unlawful harassment, withdrawal from school policy, assignment within district, classroom placement of multiples, home education policy, homeless students, religious exemption from instruction and volunteers.

Regarding policies, board member Susan Lea asked why incidents which occur at the schools are not disclosed to other parents.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss said the district cannot disclose names of students as per privacy rights and has been vague in situations so as to not create undo stress.

Lea said parents want to hear “non-live bullet” rather than a vague statement. “It upsets parents to not know what is going on,” Lea said.

“There is no law about disclosing the incident, just the identity,” board member Audrey Frick said.

In other business, Ziegenfuss talked with the board members about the KidsPeace swimming pool. He reminded the board the district paid for half of the engineering fees to determine why the pool was losing water.

Ziegenfuss said the report has come back from the engineer and KidsPeace has approached the district about the solution.

Ziegenfuss is reviewing the agreement and will report to the board at a future meeting. In the meantime, Ziegenfuss has directed Director of Athletics and Activities Monica Deeb to research other facilities as alternatives.

Zigenfuss told the board teachers will report for the 2016-2017 school year Aug. 23. Opening exercises wil be held 8 to 11:30 a.m. Aug. 24 at Salisbury High School for all teachers.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHThe family consumer science room at Salisbury Middle School receives a face-lift this summer. The cabinets and sinks have been reused.