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Landlords and tenants now responsible for barking dogs; weed height, other property maintenance rules tightened

Salisbury Township is getting tougher on property owners regarding maintenance and noise.

Township commissioners voted unanimously at the Aug. 11 board meeting to amend township ordinances to hold owners of real estate, as well as tenants, responsible for animal and bird noises.

The change is the result of residents’ complaints about barking dogs at a rental property in eastern Salisbury Township. The complaints were made to commissioners at several township meetings this year. Township Code Enforcement Office Sandy Nicolo looked into the complaints.

An animal or bird may not make noises continuously for 10 minutes or intermittently for 30 minutes or more at any time, according to the amendment. The exception would be if there is a trespasser on the property.

The property owner will be given written notice of a violation. If noises continue and two citizens complain, the township will prosecute the property owner and/or tenant.

The owner and/or tenant can be subject to a fine, if convicted, of not more than $300 and-or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days.

Township commissioners also voted unanimously at the Aug. 11 meeting to amend township ordinances to control weed height, unregistered vehicles, fences and swimming pools.

These amendments are also the result of residents’ complaints.

Overall, commissioners see the amendments as providing added enforcement clout for township officials.

The ordinance amendments were effective immediately following passage.

According to the amendments, “weeds, grass, plants, other than trees, bushes, flowers or other ornamental plants” cannot grow to a height six inches or more. The ordinance includes exceptions.

The amendment includes enforcement provisions. If the growth continues three days after written notice from code enforcement, the township can cut the growth at a cost to the property owner. The penalty for a conviction can be from $100 to $1,000 per day, plus court costs and legal fees.

The amendments also prohibit:

An unregistered vehicle parked outside with body parts removed or auto parts outside. One uninspected and unregistered vehicle is allowed, but it must have a car cover and inflated tires. Vehicles cannot be parked on lawns.

An auto repair or paint shop cannot be operated in a residential zone without a zoning permit.

A structure damaged by fire and resulting debris must be removed within 120 days.

An unoccupied structure without a roof and with openings must be secured to prevent entry.

A structure or condition that is a public nuisance or danger is prohibited.

A cesspool or cistern must be covered by a secured lid.

An excavation for a building cannot remain for more than 30 days.

Fences must be maintained. Missing, patched, leaning and fallen fence sections must be replaced.

Swimming pools must be maintained. When not in use, pool covers must be used.

Property owners must meet the requirements within five days of receiving notice.

Penalties are up to $1,000 per day, if there’s a conviction, plus court costs and attorney’s fees.

The ordinance amendments can be viewed at the township website, salisburytownshippa.org, or at the township municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.