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New vehicle ordered

Alburtis Police Chief Robert Palmer reported at the July 27 council meeting the new police vehicle has been ordered. While the cost is slightly over budget, everything is continuing as planned.

The fiscal committee reported the audit for the year shows a slight improvement. Council members were pleased with the new audit review format by Christopher DeFrain.

A property at Front and Elm streets is under review for an addition. The family wants to make an addition for a relative who needs assistance but still wants to remain independent. The issue is about zoning and the size of the addition. The borough does not want it to become a two family dwelling so the addition needs to be made in less space. This request is being re-evaluated and the addition is being reconsidered for further development and downsizing.

There will be a meeting in the near future with the Lehigh County Authority over water and sewer issues with area municipalities. This is an important meeting to review money issues about the cost of repairing and maintaining the water and sewage systems.

Alburtis is in the process of obtaining an LED sign for community announcements. This sign will cost the borough approximately $10,000. A $1,000 grant has been received toward this purchase. The sign concept came from residents complaining about the lack of communication within the borough over traffic issues, road conditions and other pertinent news.

A resident expressed his displeasure over this issue especially since the borough complains about the lack of money for certain projects.

In addition, the borough must take this issue before the zoning hearing board as the sign is three feet over the allowable size. The sign is the smallest the company makes.

It was suggested by council to redo the ordinance to allow for a sign of this size but due to time concerns, this will appear before the zoning hearing board with the ordinance being considered for the future.

Council Member Peg McCormack is resigning as a council member effective September.

Members of Alburtis Borough Council wished her well and will look for a replacement.

As Borough Manager Sharon Trexler was preparing additional grant writing, there was a recommendation by Councilwoman Sherryann Oels to improve the mailboxes at the Alburtis Area Community Center. Various ideas were made but it was suggested when making a decision on how to change the mailboxes, the mail carrier be consulted.

There was also a suggestion to add a flowerbox of some design to the area where the sign will be installed.

The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting will be 7 p.m. Aug. 10 at borough hall, 260 Franklin St., Alburtis.