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Lowhill Twp plans for cell towers

During the supervisors’ July 14 meeting, Lowhill Township Administrator Brian Carl briefly discussed the “hybrid transportation network,” which in the future, could involve new cell towers being installed throughout the township, some in right-of-ways, by companies offering connectivity services to cell phone providers.

According to Solicitor Keith Strohl, his office is working on a possible ordinance to provide guidelines and restrictions if these companies request permits for tower placement.

Carl also discussed the expiration of building permits, which was in keeping with Pennsylvania’s Development Permit Extension Act of 2013.

“After the recession hit, permits were extended,” Carl said. “That extension ended July 2.”

Carl is in the process of contacting all residents and businesses whose permits have now expired.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky reported the first round of grass mowing and weed whacking is complete.

“Gruber’s Road is scheduled for paving during the last week of August,” Kalusky said.

In other business, the final agreement with the Lehigh County Authority was signed by the board. The LCA has officially taken over sewer service for the 43 residents of Pointe West.

The board agreed to transfer the $57,398 available in the sewer fund to the township’s general fund.

In other matters, the Lehigh County Association of Township Officials summer convention will be Aug. 5.

Celebrating its 100th anniversary, there will be speakers, activities and a clam bake.

In new business, North Whitehall Township should have the joint municipal salt bid available for approval at the August meeting.

Finally, the board voted to enter into a three-year contract for the VIP Commercial Package plan with Service Electric Telephone. The agreement, at $132.94 per month, presents a substantial savings to the township.