Published July 28. 2016 12:00AM
Week 5 of Camp Cementon was full of fun and laughter. Our field trip for this week was Two T’s mini golf, an indoor glow-in-the-dark course in Easton. It was a beautiful day, and all the kids loved golfing. On the 18th hole, there was a reward for anyone who made a hole-in-one. Our only camper to achieve that goal was Emily W. The campers were offered a complimentary cup of ice cream or Italian ice. The popular flavor was the tie-dye Italian ice that consisted of lemon and blue raspberry.
On Thursday, we did our weekly arts and craft, which was slime. The recipe for slime is Elmer’s glue, borax, food coloring and water. Campers got to take home their own slime in a resealable bag.
The popular games for the week were Dodgeball, Pacman, Red Light Green Light and Heads Up 7 Up.
On Friday, it was extremely hot so we played water games. The favorite one to play is Drip Drip Splash. It is a knock-off game of Duck Duck Goose but involves cups of water.
At the end of the day, we announced our Campers of the Week. This was the first time we named Co-campers of the Week for the boys. Our two winners were Alex and Conner M. The girl Camper of the Week was Sienna D. To receive Camper of the Week awards, you must show excellent behavior throughout the week. We are looking forward to week 6 for our Free- Fall Trampoline Park field trip.