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Volunteers needed for KCC playground

Volunteers are needed for a work party at the Kempton Community Center 8 a.m. July 16.

They will be completing the “dock” around the playground’s “fleet.” ***

Ebenezer Church, New Tripoli, is hosting Vacation Bible School “Cave Quest: Following Jesus the Light of the World,” 6-8 p.m. from July 17-21.

VBS is open to all children ages 3 to fifth grade.

Call the church at 610-298-8000 for information.

Ebenezer’s Clothing Closet will be open from 6-8 p.m. July 14 and from 10 a.m. to noon July 16.

The closet is not accepting items at this time.


New Tripoli Community free summer movie nights will be offered all summer.

Located next to the New Tripoli Bank, all movies start at 8 p.m. Park cars at the bank.

Bring lawn chairs, blankets, food and beverages but use trash cans. Come out and have fun with the community.

Keep updated at facebook.com/NTFreeMovieNight.

Soon to be showing:

July 16: God’s Little Creatures;

Aug. 6: Kung Fu Panda 3;

Aug. 27: Where Hope Grows;

Sept. 3: Captain America: Civil War;

Sept. 17: God’s Not Dead 2 ;

Oct. 1: Miracles from Heaven.


Two friendly reminders about summer: hydration and sunscreen. It’s ironic that we’re often near a lot of water during this time of year, yet we dehydrate so quickly.

Keep a water bottle handy and it’s a good idea to shoot for 6-8 cups a water (or more) a day.

And since the sun is closer to us in this hemisphere, we’re going to catch more of it.

So why not apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Hats, sunglasses and cover ups are items to add to your daily ensemble.

Many items from make-up to bug spray contain small amounts of sunscreen. Every little bit helps.