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Garden, bee colonies are dedicated

With the number of honeybee colonies decreasing the number of pollinators and production of food, members of St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, Lynnville, decided to plant a garden and start two colonies of bees.

Steve Dietrich of Stine’s Corner, will bring an observation hive and give a presentation on the bees during a church basket social Aug. 6. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Dietrich helped set up the hives beside the garden, designed to provide a place of rest and relaxation.

“People forget how important it is and we of-ten neglect to take care of God’s creations,” said Pastor Rebekah Thomas at the July 10 dedication. “This garden is to teach children to care for all things.”

She then quoted the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: “Where there is hatred, let us sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope and where there is darkness, light. It is not only plants that can be sown.”

“What a great way to teach a child we all are caretakers of God’s creation,” said Karin Bowman.

Shawn, Trevor and Daren Bowman and Lauren and Aubrey Matulevich were at the church last Thursday to weed the garden for the Sunday dedication.

Dietrich, a carpenter, always wanted to care for bees.

Twenty years ago, he obtained his first ones and now has 25 colonies.

“I just like doing it, Dietrich said. “I sell the honey on my front porch,”

Press photos by Elsa KerschnerPastor Rebekah Thomas leads a short service at the comfort and pollinator garden at St. Peter's Church.