Published July 14. 2016 12:00AM
Friday marked the end of another fun-filled week at Camp Jefferson. The hot weather and occasional rainfall did little to dampen the spirits of our campers as they always found a way to have fun!
After the regularly scheduled free time period at the beginning of the day, campers were treated to engaging games, such as Knock Out, Capture the Flag, Whiffleball, Captain Says and, the always popular game, Dodgeball, which counselors took part it. In addition, campers beat the heat with water-oriented games, like Splash Out and Name That Tune as well as the daily trip to the pool.
For this week’s field trip, Camp Jefferson campers traveled to Archery Addictions to brush up on their skills with a bow and arrow! While there, campers first learned the basics of handling the bow and how to shoot the arrow. The trip’s festivities concluded with a game of archery tag, which was a lot of fun for everyone.
This week of camp had a tie dye theme. Campers got to tie dye anything, from shirts to bed sheets, as part of the week’s craft. Campers got to wear their creations on the last day.
This week’s Campers of the Week were Ayanna and Logan. Both campers were very well behaved and always participated in games and activities.
We look forward to seeing all the campers again next week!