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Board awards paving bid

Three paving bids were received by Washington Township supervisors. They awarded the bid at the board’s July 5 meeting.

Bids were Lehigh Asphalt, $243,997; Bruce George Paving and Excavating, $264,203 and Livengood Excavating, $278,420.

Low-bidder, Lehigh Asphalt, received the contract pending review by the township engineer.

During public comment, resident Ed Ziegler asked when work would be done on Old Mill Road bridge.

Supervisor Roy Dengler replied it would be August before the steel would be available.

Ziegler asked why the treasurer’s report is always a month behind.

He understood the change from the second Tuesday meeting to the first was made when Supervisor Josh Friebolin took office.

Ziegler was told the change was made when Solicitor John Ashley was chosen as he already had a second Tuesday meeting.

The first Tuesday is why Treasurer JoAnn Ahner cannot have the report due on time.

Ruby Gogel asked about leaf pickup. Shetold the board she lives three houses inside Washington Township from the North Whitehall border on Route 873.

She explained the township does not pick up her leaves and burning them is not allowed.

If she could place the leaves in an alley where the township could easily pick them up, she would give written permission for the township to continue down her driveway instead of having to turn around.

The only other solution is to take down 10 large trees and she doesn’t want to do that.

Friebolin said the roadmaster would come out and seek a solution.