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Rebekah Thomas ordained at St. Peter’s UCC, Lynnville

The huge shade trees outside St. Peter’s Church made a pleasant, green roof for the congregation that filled the chairs when Rebekah Thomas was ordained as pastor of the church.

A mild wind provided air conditioning and the picture window had a long view of farm fields and trees.

Alan Miller, conference minister of Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, said this was his first outdoor meeting in 40 years.

He promised games and food in the fellowship hall though extra tables for the picnic were also set up behind the church.

Among the games scheduled was a Scavenger Hunt in the cemetery but he quickly took that announcement back.

There were many people from Lower Saucon Township and Hellertown where Thomas had made many friends.

The call to worship was by the Rev. Dale Sattizahn, who led the congregation in a prayer of invocation.

Matthew Masenheimer sang “Multiplied.” The words in part were “I delight myself in you. I know the power of your cross. Oh God, there is no one more beautiful than you. I run into your arms.”

Nicole Vogel and Virginia Brown-Schlegel shared the reading of Psalm 103.

John Egerton read from Ephesians 3:14-21 and the Rev. Debra Hess read from Matthew 4:12-22.

The sermon, “A Call, A Journey, a Celebration,” was by Susan Lishman, pastor of First UCC, Hellertown.

“It is a day of celebration because today Rebekah becomes a minister in the United Church of Christ,” Lishman said. “Jesus called others who could teach others. There is something about fishing that would make them good with people.

“Jesus and the disciples pulled people out of fear and darkness so they could bask in the sunshine of Christ.”

The first time I met Becky, she was very shy but underneath I saw a women who was truly called to the ministry.

Lishman said Becky had trials and setbacks on her traveled road to complete the seminary but distractions could not stop her. When she was called, God helps.

She told the story of the logger who bought a chain saw but could not get it to work properly.

“Becky, you have been given the equipment and know how to use it,” she said. “You can be grounded in love.”

“We all share in your excitement. This service is a celebration of your gifts. Go catch some people for Christ.”

Miller said she was not being ordained in the United Church of Christ but into the church of Jesus Christ.

“Rebekah, servant of God, we invite you to come forward as a sign of your consent to receive ordination into Christian ministry,” Miller said.

All ministers were asked to come forward for a laying on of hands and each individually and as a group gave her a hug.

Miller gave her some good advice: “If you cry and tell them you are a reverend you may get out of trouble.”

He presented her with an ordination certificate.

She received three stoles and a cross for use in her new calling. After the first two she said, “I like gifts. Are there any more”?

Miller said his gift to Becky was the story of a small church with mostly senior citizen congregants, but there was a 4-year-old named Betsy.

Young Betsy wanted something to do and was given the job of taking the offering.

If one member of a couple turned in the envelope, she would stand in front of the second member and say in a loud voice, “You didn’t give anything.”

The offerings increased as people wanted to avoid her complaints.

“You yourself are an offering. It is what you are giving today,” he said.

Rebekah Thomas and Penn Northeast's the Rev. Alan Miller enjoyed the view from the hilltop where Thomas' ordination celebration took place.PRESS PHOTO BY ELSA KERSCHNER