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New police vehicle now in service

During the Macungie Borough Council meeting June 20, Mayor Gary Cordner announced the Macungie police have a new vehicle which is now in service.

Council discussed the Stone Hill Meadows development which is a project for Gehman Road and partially in Macungie Borough off of Race Street. It is a development of single homes on the Lower Macungie side and townhomes in the borough.

While this is still in the planning stages, the concern of the borough is the traffic being directed toward Race Street and the high density development in the borough with no allowable green space included.

The Macungie Institute Use Policy was amended to include an alcohol policy. Alcohol can be used at the Macungie Institute with special permission. This was approved by the borough council.

The rental inspection program is being investigated. Presently council is checking with other municipalities on their policies.

Certain street projects were discussed. Cotton Street is now closed through September. Although this causes inconveniences, the work is long overdue and quite necessary.

A resolution was approved to make Dock Street one way. This may be temporary but presently necessary due to closure of Cotton Street.

The recent work on Race Street was discussed. The pipe work created some difficult construction problems. The borough maintenance department will be finishing the project but there is a concern for the extent of the work to be done. This will be analyzed further with the maintenance department.

Lehigh County Authority and Allentown are working on sewer rehabilitation. The charges for this project will be reflected on residents’ billings.

Richard Penn was approved as a part-time police officer in Macungie effective immediately.

It was announced there are a couple of vacancies within the borough. Macungie Institute has a trustee vacancy on its board. The zoning hearing board also has a vacancy. Interested parties should contact the borough.