Heidelberg Church youth raise funds for FF&F
Mark your calendar! Heidelberg Association of Retired Persons, known as H.A.R.P., will meet 11 a.m. July 5 in fellowship hall at Heidelberg Union Church, Heidelberg Township, for its indoor picnic.
All retirees are invited to stop by and enjoy a wonderful afternoon of food, fun and the vocal talents of local resident Jack Snyder, who will be singing his beautiful Gospel music.
Bring along a friend or two. And, don’t forget a covered dish to share.
Hot dogs and condiments will be provided.
Remember, you do not have to be a Heidelberg Church member to attend.
For further information, call Katherine Blose at 610-336-0555 or Eleanor Klevenhagen at 610-841-9803.
Fun and faith! Heidelberg Union Church’s Vacation Bible School will be 6-8 p.m. from July 11-15.
Children in preschool through sixth grade are encouraged to come and learn about the love of Jesus through this year’s program, “Super Heroes of the Bible and How You Can Be One, Too!”
Help in any way is always needed and appreciated, such as helping to set-up, clean-up, prepare and serve snacks, helping with games and music, story teller, craft leader, and teacher/co-teacher.
To register or for those who are interested in helping or have any questions, call Melanie at 610-207-8283 or the church office at 610-767-4740.
On July 17, Vacation Bible School’s closing program will 10:15 a.m. during the union worship service.
Open invitation! A friendship hour on the porch of Heidelberg Church continues through the summer Sundays following the 10:15 a.m. UCC worship service.
Why not stay a bit longer and enjoy some food with lots of fellowship!
To host this enjoyable time of friendship or bake a batch of something sweet to eat, sign-up on the sheet in the narthex.
All time winners! Hats off to Heidelberg Church’s “No Limits” youth group who recently helped at the vaccine clinic at Forgotten Felines and Fidos, Germansville.
This amazing group of children collected donated items and raised $114 for the shelter by selling baked goods.
Heidelberg humor! Question: Why aren’t there any knock-knock jokes about America?
Answer: Because freedom rings!
Happy Fourth of July to all!