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Article By: The Press


Secretary spearheads safety initiative

The Pennsylvania Department of Transporation Secretary Leslie S. Richards has implemented a new program called the Young Driver Safety Initiative providing a personalized reminder to young drivers.

For drivers under the age of 21 who are cited for driving infractions, Richards personally sends them a letter to remind the driver of their responsibilities to know and follow the laws for the safety of themselves and others.

“The issue of young drivers definitely hits home with me as it does with any parent,” Richards stated. “Car crashes are the number one cause of death among 16- through 20-year-olds in Pennsylvania. If we can save one young driver by my personally reminding them that a violation of traffic laws not only means a ticket, but even more serious consequences, then it is well worth the effort.”

Approximately 150 people were killed in accidents involving drivers under the age of 21 in 2015.

Safety and crash prevention tips can be found by visiting www.penndot.gov/safety and looking up “Traffic Safety and Driver Topics.”